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Ongeluluul (in German roughly “place where someone whispers”) is a historically significant place in Melekeok on Palau . It is located in the middle east of the island of Babelthuaps , was built by Reklai Tangesechel around 1750 and entered on the National Register of Historic Places on September 30, 1976 .


The ruins of a once well-paved basalt stone platform about 6 by 6 meters in size have been preserved from Ongeluluul . The Pacific coast extends about 100 meters to the east . There is also a stream nearby and a road inland to the southwest. In the meantime, tree growth and spontaneous vegetation has formed on the square. For a long time it was used as a source of extraction for stones or as a storage place for building materials.


Important (sometimes secret) meetings of the chiefs took place at this place, at which, among other things, decisions about war plans and strategies were made. In 1793, a peace treaty between Abba Thule Esuch and Ngetelngal Reklai Tangesechel was concluded at this point, in whose battles the conqueror Henry Wilson intervened with fire guns for the first time. Another treaty was signed in 1870 during the period of Spanish colonization, ending all civil wars on Palau and agreeing a lasting peace. To this day, Ongeluluul is of cultural and historical importance for the inhabitants of Palau.


Coordinates: 7 ° 29 ′ 33.7 ″  N , 134 ° 38 ′ 10.1 ″  E