Ono Hideo

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Ono Hideo ( Japanese 小野 秀雄 ; born August 14, 1885 in Shiga Prefecture ; † July 18, 1977 ) was a Japanese journalist and media historian .

Ono Hideo studied German at the Imperial University of Tokyo and from 1908 worked as a journalist for various newspapers. From 1926 to 1949 he was a lecturer in journalism. From 1949 he was head of the Institute for Journalism at the University of Tokyo. Ono Hideo is considered a pioneer in Japanese media studies .


  • Schäfer, Fabian (2011): “Public Opinion and the Press: Transnational Contexts of Early Media and Communication Studies in Prewar Japan, 1918-1937.” In: Social Science Japan Journal 14 (1), pp. 21–38.
  • Schäfer, Fabian (2005) "Ono Hideo and the origin of newspaper science (shinbungaku) ​​in Japan." In: Stefanie Averbeck and Arnulf Kutsch (eds.): Newspapers, advertising, public. Biographical-systematic studies on the early history of communication research, Cologne: Halem, pp. 23–54.
  • The Japan who's who . Issue 1950–51. Tokyo: Tokyo News Service, 1951.