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Onomakritos ( Greek  Ὀνομάκριτος ; * around 530 BC; † around 480 BC) was a Greek chresmologist . As such, he was commissioned by Peisistratos to collect the oracles of Musaios .

Herodotus reports that Onomacritus was banished from Athens by Hipparchus , the son of Peisistratos , after Lasos from Hermione proved to him that a saying by Musaios had been forged , according to which the island of Lemnos would sink into the sea. After the Peisistratids themselves had to flee to the court of the Persian king Xerxes I , Onomakritus helped them to convince Xerxes of the favorable prospects of an invasion of Greece by means of an appropriate selection of oracle sayings favorable to the Persians.

A passage in Pausanias was interpreted to the effect that Onomakritus founded or at least reformed the cult celebrations of Dionysus Zagreus .



  1. Herodotus 7: 6 .
  2. Pausania's description of Greece 8, 37, 5 .