
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Field of application: Transmission of citizen reports
Based on REST
Introduction: 2009
current version: 2 (2017)

Open311 is an open standard for managing issues between citizens and authorities in public spaces. The term is derived from the special number 3-1-1 that is customary in the USA and Canada . Open311 is not designed for emergency calls or personal inquiries - such as address changes, service requests, document requests.

Open311 uses the standardized and open GeoReport v2 format , which shows the damage report, damage type, position and their processing status in XML or JSON . Most GeoReport V2 servers use REST as an interface.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<service_requests is_array="true">
    <service_name>Wilde Müllkippe, Sperrmüllreste</service_name>
    <description>Liebe Stadt Bonn,an der markierten Stelle ägert mich seit Monaten, dass in dem am Wegesrand angrenzenden Grünstreifen Abfälle liegen, für die sich niemand verantwortlich fühlt. Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob die Reinigung von der Stadt Bonn durchgeführt werden könnte?</description>
    <address>Hangelarer Weg, 53229 Bonn, Deutschland</address>


Open311 is mainly used in North American cities such as Washington, DC , San Francisco or Toronto . In Germany, Bonn was the first city to implement the platform; this platform is used in a total of 23 cities. B. in Finland in Helsinki .

There are numerous Open311 servers such as B. FixMyStreet or Software as a Service offers. The Drupal extension Mark-a-Spot is widespread in German-speaking countries . The data published by Open311 servers can e.g. B. Third party applications such as the cross-city defect reporting app MÜLLweg! DE and thus take existing city entries into account. As a rule, cities and municipalities only allow read access, even if the standard also allows write access after an API key has been assigned. The only German city that currently. Rostock is open to write access to its server via the Klarschiff platform .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. GeoReport v2. Retrieved February 10, 2019 .
  2. a b GeoReport v2 Servers. Retrieved February 10, 2019 .
  3. Open311 Status - 311 API monitoring and analysis. Retrieved February 10, 2019 .
  4. Open Data with Open311 | Defect reporter Bonn. Retrieved February 10, 2019 .
  5. Open311 has been in use by the city of Bonn for four years | Open dates Bonn. Retrieved February 10, 2019 .
  6. software. Retrieved February 10, 2019 .
  7. Mark-a-Spot defect reporter with open source. Retrieved February 10, 2019 .
  8. Thomas Lennartz: MÜLLweg! EN: Report wild garbage, garbage dumps, wild garbage dumps. Retrieved February 10, 2019 .
  9. Klarschiff.HRO API. Retrieved December 5, 2019 .