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OpenXcom is an interpreter and open source emulator for UFO: Enemy Unknown (1994) and the successor game X-COM: Terror from the Deep (1995), which initially only served to make these two DOS games run under current Windows versions do.

Several mods have been written for OpenXcom that allow some regulations to be adjusted and new weapons and equipment to be added, such as: B. Hardmode Expansion, which mainly focuses on bug fixing and balancing the original.

The adaptability of OpenXcom goes so far that completely new action sections can be added via mods. These include The X-Com Files , a larger mod that was created from a large number of submods from the OpenXcom community, which were initially consolidated in the still unsteady Final Mod Pack.

This mod contains many additions, such as new mission types, enemies, equipment and storylines. He puts the game more in the 90s conspiracy genre and all of its clichés. The enemies come here from space, the oceans, from the underground, but above all within our own society.

Area 51 is an equally extended and total conversion of the first X-COM part with a more strategic focus. New monthly council missions can consist of 6 different objectives here: defense, attack, destruction, conquest, restoration or extraction. It is possible to meet allied soldiers and police officers who attack the aliens but only carry conventional weapons.

The World of (terrifying) silence , on the other hand, focuses on the second part, X-COM: Terror from the Deep.

The boundaries between the mods are rather fluid, the focus is just a different one in favor of more originality, story or strategy. Special highlights and innovations always make it into other mods.

Many experimental influences from the X-Com modding scene also flow into the Xeno Operations Mod , which is trimmed to graphics and shows what can still be extracted from the game engine.

To use the modifications, OpenXcom needs the original data from UFO: Enemy Unknown as well as from X-COM: Terror from the Deep , if you want to play the second part with the Cthulhu myth (aliens come out of the sea scenario).

Since January 2018, the translation platform Transifex has also been available for most mods.


XPiratez based on "OpenXcom Extended" , a version of OpenXcom that has been greatly expanded for modifications, is a completely new game. The story was shifted 600 years into the future, in which the X-Com failed and the earth of the aliens was conquered. As the leader of a female pirate gang you try to survive in this world. As in the original, this includes building the base, hunting and plundering UFOs, but also kidnapping aliens and their human helpers.

There are also new aspects in XPiratez, the dismantling and recombining of artifacts. The capture and hacking of secret documents, the purchase of fighting dogs, reconnaissance parrots and mercenaries, but also the payment of an inheritance if the latter dies, as well as the sale of self-made alcohol from the base's own distillery. Later there was also a coin workshop and trading with energy was added.

Slaves can also be produced from prisoners, who then improve some of the basic values. The concept of civilization and the emancipation of slaves has to be reinvented in the research department. A special super slave from the black market, a Superman cut, can also be used in combat. As the game progresses, the game becomes more and more complex and later complements this with the development of magical voodoo skills. Civil advisors can also be taken into combat as scouts with status scanners and as medics.

The numerous factions represent above all different guilds and sects that have come to terms with the aliens or are about to do so and also maintain their own large bases. Including the official government or the humanists as a fascist sect, which is among other things on the move in Reichsflugplatten in the world. The game here takes some borrowings from some old id software games e.g. B. Wolfenstein 3D and Doom for the fire-breathing demons. Some UFOs also look amazingly similar to the spaceship Enterprise or Millennium Falcon from Star Wars .

In addition to a myriad of different armor, close-range and long-range weapons, there are also some heavy mortars and expensive rockets that can blow up almost the entire playing field including the UFOs in it. However, it is also important to avoid civilian casualties in XPiratez in order not to endanger the subsidies received from other factions.

The game is aimed primarily at experienced X-COM and strategy players and, in contrast to the new edition, hardly compromises in favor of entry for younger or occasional gamers. The game is z. Currently only developed in English, but is open to further translations, as a translation into Czech has already shown. Special features are also the research tree in the scope of the novel, which provides information about the world of XPiratez with a constantly growing level of knowledge, as well as the own soundtracks and the "Diaries" , which are also added for the game from version 0.99A.1 , which are extensive statistics for every single pirate, which also offers a large arsenal of medals and decorations.

The development of X-Piratez is also driven by the development of submods, which usually find their way into the main mod later.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Openxcom v1.0 released. Retrieved April 27, 2016 .
  2. OpenXcom is complete. Retrieved April 27, 2016 .
  7. Meridian's resources and mods for X-PirateZ. Retrieved August 5, 2016 .