Opera Pia

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The Opera Pia are an aid and / or charity organization typical for Italy with the task: “To provide help for the poor, be it in a state of health or illness, for education, training , entry into a profession , an art or a craft to enable or otherwise contribute to moral and economic improvement ”.


The Opere Pie were founded in Italy in the Middle Ages and were widely used in the 16th century.

In United Italy, Law No. 753 of August 3, 1862 was the first uniform regulation for the administration of these bodies, which was supplemented by the corresponding implementing regulation in Royal Decree No. 1007 of November 27, 1862. These regulations set up a Congregazione di Carità in each parish of the kingdom , which was to take over the administration of the funds for the benefit of the poor and opera pie , and the administration of which was entrusted to a board elected or co-opted by the parish council.

The law of July 17, 1890 (the so-called " Crispi Law ") responded to a change in public efforts to help those in need; it led to a legal definition that remained largely unchanged in the subsequent laws on this topic. The Opere Pie opposed nationalization proposals and government intervention in its asset and business management. There was also a reaction by the Opere Pie of Rome against some of Crispi's proposals which they claimed were prejudicial to religious freedom .

At the beginning of the 20th century, the Opere Pie was subject to the will of Giovanni Giolitti , who proposed the law of July 18, 1904, the coordination of the "Consiglio superiore dell'assistenta e della beneficenza pubblica".

With the ordinances attached to the Lateran Treaty of 1929, the state recognized the autonomy for brotherhoods with a predominantly religious purpose.


  • 17 July 1890, n.6972
  • April 21, 1896, n.218
  • July 18, 1904, n.390
  • December 30, 1923, n.2841 ( Royal Decree )
  • June 3, 1937, n.847


  • Carlo Cardia: Opere pie . In: Enciclopedia del diritto . tape XXX . Milan 1980 (Italian).