Operation Dawn

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As Operation Dawn (Iran: Valfajr , in English literature mostly as Operation Dawn translated) ten military operations were Iranian armed forces (army and Revolutionary Guard ) during the Iraqi-Iranian war called. The offensives of 1983, 1984, 1986 and 1988 were directed against different sections of the front. On the northern section of the front, they led to the occupation of some Iraqi border towns in Iraqi Kurdistan in 1983 and 1988 , and on the southern section of the front in 1984 to the conquest of the Iraqi port city of Fao . The Iranians did not succeed in conquering or at least enclosing Basra or Sulaimaniyya . The name dawn was related to the fact that Iranian attacks mostly began at dawn (especially al-Fajr) .

Period designation Front section Target direction result annotation
Apr 10, 1983 to
Apr 17, 1983
Operation Dawn 1 center Amara Iranian defeat
Jul 22, 1983 to
Jul 30, 1983
Operation Dawn 2 north Hajj Omran Iranian victory
Jul 30, 1983 to Aug 9, 1983
Operation Dawn 3 center Baghdad Iranian defeat Iraqi troops capture Mehran
Oct. 20, 1983 to
Nov. 21, 1983
Operation Dawn 4 north Penjwin Iranian victory
Feb. 15, 1984 to
Feb. 24, 1984
Operation Dawn 5 south Basra draw until then the largest Iranian offensive of the war
Feb. 23, 1984 to
Feb. 24, 1984
Operation Dawn 6 center Amara draw
Oct 18, 1984 to
Oct 25, 1984
Operation Dawn 7 center draw
0Feb. 9, 1986 to
Feb. 25, 1986
Operation Dawn 8 south Basra Iranian victory Iran conquers the Iraqi port city of Fao 
Feb. 14, 1986 to March 3, 1986
Operation Dawn 9 north Sulaimaniyya draw
March 14, 1988 to
March 22, 1988
Operation Dawn 10  north Halabja Iranian victory