Orangemen's Day

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Orangemen parade in Bangor , July 12, 2010

The Orangemen's Day (also "Orange Day", in Northern Ireland also The Twelfth , the night before Eleventh Night ) on July 12 is a non-working, public holiday in Northern Ireland and in the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador . It is also celebrated by Protestant groups in the USA, England and Scotland.

Holiday historical background

Orangemen's Day commemorates the Battle of the Boyne in 1690, when Wilhelm III was victorious . of England with a military superiority over James II. The battle is considered a symbolic triumph of the Protestants over the Catholics. Because of this, the holiday is not celebrated by all Northern Irish.


Logs for a bonfire of Ulster - loyalists in the night before the Orangemen's Day, Newtownabbey , 2009

The Orange Order ("Orangemen") and other unionists celebrate the victory of that time and organize memorial marches. For this occasion there is a fixed dress code for the marchers, which includes a black suit and hat, white gloves and an orange sash. During the procession, the participants carry banners with symbols of their order or extracts from the Bible. Family reunions, picnics and dance events take place after the march.

While authorities and offices remain closed on this day or at least have shortened opening times, there are no restrictions on local public transport or in shops.

Potential for conflict

Conflicts and disputes between Protestant Oranges and Catholics during the celebrations have not failed to materialize in the past. Until 1998 the Orange marched through Garvaghy Street in Belfast , where almost all Catholics live. Counter-demonstrations with sometimes bloody excesses were the result. Since 1998 it has therefore been forbidden for the Orange to march through the affected district. In addition, the détente in the Northern Ireland conflict in recent years has reduced the clashes.

Individual evidence

  1. Orangemen's Day., accessed on June 18, 2015 .