Oratorio del Carminello

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The Oratorio del Carminello is a Baroque church building in Palermo .

Building history

The oratory, also known as "Carmine Minor", near Corso Tukory in Via Porta Santa Agata, was built around 1690 by the association "Madonna del Carmelo" with financial help from the local nobility and consecrated to the Madonna del Carmine. In earlier times, the oratory was connected to the nearby church of San Nicola di Brari, which was destroyed in 1875. In 1915 the oratorio passed into the hands of the Brotherhood of Our Lady of the Rosary Carminello (Maria Santissima del Rosario al Carminello), which also used the crypt as a burial place.


The richly stuccoed interior contrasts with the simple exterior. The rectangular room, which is unusually high for an oratorio, is entirely covered with stucco from the Serpotta workshop. The upper area of ​​the inner facade is structured by arches, behind which there is a gallery. On both sides of the entrance there are two angels held Tondi Giacomo or Procopio Serpotta "Birth of Christ" and "Flight into Egypt". The allegorical sculptures, “Meekness” and “Compassion” are located in high round niches. The presbytery lies behind a high arch framed by twisted marble columns. The panel behind the altar is by an unknown painter from the 18th century, just like the stucco-framed painting “The Madonna of the Rosary”. The statues of Saints Rosalia and Dominic are also placed here.

A trap door in the floor leads to the crypt. A corridor leads to three with majolica tiles and floral painting decorated rooms, with walls 32 Loculi to receive the dead are buried.


  • Donald Garstang: Giacomo Serpotta and the stuccatori of Palermo 1560-1790. A. Zwemmer Ltd., London 1984, ISBN 0-302-00550-1 ( Studies in Architecture 22).
  • Exhibition folder “Itinari Serpottiani” Arti Grafice Giordano. Palermo 1996.
  • Adriana Chirco: Palermo la città ritrovata. Flaccovio, Palermo 2002, ISBN 88-7758-469-6 .
  • Pierfrancesco Palazzotto: Palermo. Guida agli oratori. Confraternite, compagnie e congregazioni dal XVI al XIX secolo . Kalós, Palermo 2004, ISBN 88-89224-07-X .

Web links

Coordinates: 38 ° 6 '36 "  N , 13 ° 21' 42.4"  E