Order of St. John Lateran

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The Order of St. John Lateran was an order in the Papal States . The founder was Pope Pius IV in 1560.

The order was intended as a reward for civil virtues. The admission fee was dependent on the decision at the time of admission, whether one wanted to use the financial and protocol-related privileges as a papal Count Palatine or not.

Order classes

The order had only one class.

Order decoration

The order decoration consisted of a gold-framed, red-enamelled eight-pointed cross with gold balls on the two cross arm tips. In the corners of the cross arms there was a golden lily . A medallion resting on the cross was blue and showed Saint John in front, surrounded by a white ring with the motto of the order “Praemium virtutis et pietatis”. The reverse was labeled “Ord. Inst. 1560 ”and in the middle of the medallion were the Peter's keys under the tiara .


The ribbon was black.


  • Gustav Adolph Ackermann: Order book of all in Europe flourishing and extinct orders and decorations. , Verlag Rudolf & Dieterici, Annaberg 1855, page 182