Place (unit)

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The place was a hollow and weight measure as well as a coin unit, originally and often later the fourth part of a larger unit.

Measure of capacity

Weight measure

  • in Denmark as a unit of weight
    • until the middle of 1861 1 Kvintin (Quentchen) = 4 places to 16 Es to 8 grains; 1 place = 0.9191 grams as coin weight or 0.977 grams as retail weight
    • from mid-1861 1 pound = 100 kvintin = 1000 place; 1 place = 0.5 grams
  • in Sweden as a commercial weight
    • 1 pound = 100 place; 1 place = 4,251 grams


See also


  • Leopold Carl Bleibtreu: Handbook of coin, measure and weight and the exchange-government paper, banking and stock system of European and non-European countries and cities. Stuttgart, Verlag von J. Engelhorn, 1863, pages 118, 243, 329, 588
  • Jürgen Elert Kruse : General and especially Hamburg Contorist, who knows the currencies, coins, weights, measures, types of exchange and customs of the most distinguished cities and countries in and outside Europe. Publishing house of the author's heirs, Hamburg 1808, p. 387
  • Karl Rumler: Overview of the measures, weights and currencies of the most excellent countries. Verlag Jasper, Hügel u. Manz, Vienna 1849, p. 65 ff.