Ortsberg (Burgkunstadt)

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Ortsberg is a desert in the area of ​​today's town of Burgkunstadt in the district of Lichtenfels ( Bavaria ).


The former isolated settlement of Ortsberg was at 344  m above sea level. NHN on the southern slope of the eponymous 351  m above sea level. NHN high local mountain s, in the Upper Main hill country , west of the Burgkunstadter core town. The mountain falls in the west about 60 m to the Häckergrundbach . The next villages around the former settlement are Kaltenreuth , Theisau , Mainklein and Neue Weiher . The center of Burgkunstadt is located around 3.2 km west of the desert.


The settlement of local mountain in 1400 as "was first mentioned in Wartberg Kolb Roth". The next mention of the place can be found in a fief deed from the year 1525 in which an Augustin Luft received a tithing on the local mountain from Provost Marquard vom Stein . The spelling Ortperg has been handed down from 1526 ; Ortberg again in 1569 . More strongly deviating forms of the name are documented for the years 1594 with Orttßberg and Marolzberg and 1662 Moritzerberg . Other mentions are from around 1680 as Orthsberg un Orthßberg and from 1743 as Orthberg and “ Orthsberg zum bbg. Amt Burgkunstadt ”, which is the first time that political affiliation is mentioned, while older sources usually only mention denominational affiliation. The documents Ortsberg and Moritzberg can be found from the years 1820 and 1833 ; from 1827 also Arzberg

In the original cadastre of the tax municipality Burgkunstadt from 1854 the village is listed as Ortsberg with address Burgkunstadt No. 233, Plnr. 1765 (residential and farm building) owned by the district court doctor Dr. Michael Krappmann listed. In 1861 the settlement consisted of four buildings. The two spellings Moritzberg and Ortsberg are documented again from 1872 . The Ortsberg estate was closed in 1882. The farm buildings were demolished and the areas were reforested. The settlement finally became desolate with the demolition of the last remains in the 1970s.

Population development

The population development of Ortsberg in the 19th century, based on individual data:

  • 1833: 10 inhabitants, 2 properties
  • 1861: 6 inhabitants, 4 properties


  • Rudi Fetzer: Borkuschter Mosaik - A slightly different city history. Burgkunstadt 2009, DNB 997549874
  • Dieter George: Lichtenfels - the Altlandkreis . Volume 6 of the historical book of place names of Bavaria, Commission for Bavarian State History, Munich 2008, ISBN 978-3-7696-6862-9 .

Individual evidence

  1. a b Topographic map of Bavaria 1: 25,000, map sheet ATK25 – C10 Burgkunstadt , geoportal.bayern.de, accessed on January 3, 2015
  2. a b George (2008), p. 61.
  3. a b c d e George (2008), p. 109.
  4. Karl Friedrich Hohn: Geographical-statistical description of the Upper Main district . Bamberg 1827, p. 356 ( full text in Google Book Search). , P. 319.
  5. a b Joseph Heyberger, Chr. Schmitt, v. Wachter: Topographical-statistical manual of the Kingdom of Bavaria with an alphabetical local dictionary . In: K. Bayer. Statistical Bureau (Ed.): Bavaria. Regional and folklore of the Kingdom of Bavaria . tape 5 . Literary and artistic establishment of the JG Cotta'schen Buchhandlung, Munich 1867, Sp. 906 , urn : nbn: de: bvb: 12-bsb10374496-4 ( digitized version ).
  6. Fetzer (2009), p. 64.

Coordinates: 50 ° 8 '2.8 "  N , 11 ° 17' 41.6"  O