Oscar Beregi junior

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Oscar Beregi, Jr. (born May 12, 1918 in Budapest , Austria-Hungary (today: Hungary ), † November 1, 1976 in Los Angeles , California ) was an American actor of Hungarian origin.


Oskar Beregi was the son of the prominent film and stage actor Oscar Beregi senior . The Beregi family left Hungary shortly after the end of World War II, and Oscar Beregi Jr. emigrated to the USA after a stopover in Chile . There he worked from 1959 to 1976 as a supporting actor in movies and television series. In the movie What You Always Wanted To Know About Sex But Didn't Dare To Ask by Woody Allen , he starred in the episode What Happens When Ejaculation? a team member in the central control of the brain. In Stanley Kramer's star-studded film drama The Ship of Fools , he played the role of a father who asks the ship's doctor, played by Oskar Werner , to prescribe laxatives for his daughter.

Beregi junior became at least as well known through his numerous guest roles on television. In the episode Operation Briefcase (English: Operation Briefcase ) of the television series A Cage Full of Heroes , he played General Stauffen . He appeared in three episodes of the Twilight Zone , including as former SS man Gunther Lutze in the episode Deaths-Head Revisited , in which he is dramatically confronted with his guilt. Oscar Beregi died of a heart attack in 1976 at the age of 58, and his last role was in the television series Deployment in Manhattan that same year .

Filmography (selection)


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Oscar Beregi junior in the Internet Movie Database (English)