Osman Lins

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Osman Lins (born July 5, 1924 in Vitória de Santo Antão , Pernambuco , † July 8, 1978 in São Paulo ) was a Brazilian writer. He wrote avant-garde enigmatic novels and short stories influenced by Nouveau Roman , as well as plays.

Osman Lins completed a degree in economics at the University of Recife and then worked in a bank in São Paolo until 1970. He published his first novel 0 Visitante in 1955 and immediately received two prizes for it. During this first creative period he published the stories Os Gestos in 1957 and the novel O Fiel ea Pedra in 1961 (made into a telenovela in 30 episodes in 1981 ).

He then went on a longer trip to Europe and, when he returned, chose the metropolis São Paulo as his place of residence, in which his second creative period began with works such as Nove, Novena , Avalovara and A Rainha dos Cárceres da Grécia . La Paz Existe? he wrote with his partner, the writer Julieta de Godoy Ladeira . This book describes a trip from Peru to Bolivia.

Osman Lins also worked as a literature lecturer in São Paulo. He has been awarded various literary prizes, including a. with the Coelho Neto Prize .


  • 0 Visitante: romance. 1955.
  • Os Gestos: contos. 1957.
  • O Fell ea Pedra: romance. 1961.
  • Marinheiro de Primeira Viagem. 1963.
  • Lisbela eo Prisioneiro: teatro. 1964.
  • Nove, Novena: narrativas. 1966.
    • German edition: Lost and Found: Stories. Suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt am Main 1978, ISBN 3-518-03542-8 . (Translator: Marianne Jolowicz).
  • At Mundo Estagnado: ensaio. 1966.
  • Capa-Verde eo Natal: teatro infantile. 1967.
  • Guerra do Cansa-Cavalo: theater. 1967.
  • Guerra sem Testemunhas - o Escritor, sua Condição ea Realidade Social: ensaio ,. 1969.
  • Avalovara: romance. 1973.
    • German edition: Avalovara: Roman. Suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt am Main 1976, ISBN 3-518-03541-X . (Translator: Marianne Jolowicz).
  • Santa, Automóvel eo Soldado: teatro. 1975.
  • Lima Barreto eo Espaço Romanesco: ensaio. 1976.
  • A Rainha dos Cárceres da Grécia: romance. 1976.
    • German edition: The queen of the dungeons of Greece: Roman. Suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt am Main 1980, ISBN 3-518-03543-6 . (Translator: Marianne Jolowicz).
  • Do Ideal e da Glória. Problemas Inculturais Brasileiros: coletânea de artigos e ensaios. 1977.
  • La Paz Existe? : literatura de viagem, em parceria. Together with: Julieta de Godoy Ladeira , 1977.
  • O Diabo na Noite de Natal: literatura infantil. 1977.
  • Missa do Galo, Variações Sobre o Mesmo Tema, Organização e Participação. 1977.
  • Casos Especiais de Osman Lins: novelas adaptadas para televisão e levadas ao ar pela TV Globo . 1978. Consists of: A Ilha no Espaço , Quem Era Shirley Temple? and Marcha Fúnebre .
  • Evangelho na Taba. Problemas inculturais brasileiros II: coletânea de artigos, ensaios e entrevistas. Together with: Julieta de Godoy Ladeira, 1979.
  • Domingo de Páscoa: novela. 1978.


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