Otto Biermer

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Young woman

Magnus Karl Otto Biermer (born February 12, 1858 in Würzburg , † September 8, 1901 in Siegsdorf ) was a German portrait and genre painter.

Biermer began his studies at the Royal Saxon Polytechnic School in Dresden , but continued his studies at the Dresden Art School in the painting school of Friedrich Leon Pohle .

He then moved to Munich to study from April 26, 1881 at the Royal Academy of Arts in Munich with Wilhelm von Lindenschmit the Younger and Ludwig von Löfftz .

He went on study trips to Rome and Zurich . As a freelance artist, he initially mainly painted portraits, later also genre pictures. He died at the age of 43.


Web links

Commons : Otto Biermer  - Collection of images, videos and audio files