Otto normal off-type. The rise of the minorities

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Otto normal off-type. The rise of the minorities is a collection of essays by Jürgen Kaube . The book was published in 2007 by zu Klampen Verlag .


In Otto normal off-types. The Rise of the Minorities , author Jürgen Kaube deals with the phenomenon of what he calls the “normal deviation” and presents its diverse forms and manifestations. The social life of the last decades was determined by the "rise of the minorities". Behavior that deviates from the usual has not only become commonplace, it has also acquired a special meaning. In the mass media a world full of "special existences" is presented, with strange hobbies, strange looks, strange views. Being and wanting to be different becomes the average case. Minorities raise special claims to protection and subsidies. The question of who is still able to empathize with whom cannot be answered any more than the question of who exactly the politicians make politics for when they are looking for majorities.


On the occasion of a review of Otto Normalabweicher, the journalist, author and migration researcher Mark Terkessidis , co-editor of the book “Mainstream of the Minorities”, characterized Kaube : the rise of the minorities as a “cultural fighter” and “defender of the old norm of native, heterosexual , bearded masculinity ". Kaube is afraid “that tomorrow women, homosexuals, migrants , or even top models and superstars will come and take something away from him: primarily the interpretive sovereignty, but soon maybe the job too”. Instead of thinking about shaping the future, people like him just wanted to keep their privileges.

Michael Rutschky certified Kaube on Deutschlandfunk - also on the occasion of a review by Otto Normalabweicher - that he was one of the “particularly resourceful and accomplished” representatives of a sociology “that has outgrown the university and expresses itself freely in the media, especially in the features”. Jürgen Kaube is far removed from the coolness that Roland Barthes afforded himself in the 1950s when deciphering the “ myths of everyday life ”, still a “canonical” sociologist in the feature pages . Jürgen Kaube's glosses are exemplary in their conciseness and restriction.

Lutz Lichtenberger reviewed the book Otto Normalabweicher in the Süddeutsche Zeitung and came to the conclusion that Kaube was very good at examining everyday observations. He dissects the “tendency of the present” to exaggerations of all kinds, false excitements and empirical claims. Against the laziness, shallowness and danger that lies in the abolition of “ordered social expectations” or in the elimination of quality criteria in education and culture, which wants to replace work and thinking with consumption and empathy and as a result nothing can be recognized and differentiated able and can only accept everything, no matter how remote, Kaube's texts in their “sharp erudition” are themselves the best antidote.

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Individual evidence

  1. See blurb from: Jürgen Kaube: Otto Normalabweicher. The rise of the minorities. zu Klampen-Verlag, Springe 2007, ISBN 978-3-86674-014-3 , from Perlentaucher .
  2. Mark Terkessidis: Struggle of the wrong minority. In: the daily newspaper , October 10, 2007.
  3. Michael Rutschky : The sociologist in the features section. Jürgen Kaube suffers from the Otto normal off-type. In: Deutschlandfunk - Büchermarkt , December 5, 2007.
  4. ^ Lutz Lichtenberger: Avant-garde as a profession. In: Süddeutsche Zeitung , April 29, 2008.