Otto Wäspi

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Otto Wäspi (born January 6, 1904 in St. Gallen , † 1959 in Basel ) was a Swiss draftsman and illustrator.


He attended high school at the St. Gallen Cantonal School before gaining his first professional experience at a film company. After trips abroad, which took him to Algeria, France and Italy, among other places, he finally returned to Switzerland in the early 1930s.

From 1933 he was able to gain a foothold with his first graphic contributions to the Nebelspalter , and from 1937 he made regular contributions to this satirical magazine. He worked for Nebelspalter until 1956.

In the 1940s he created humorous drawings for the Schweizer Illustrierte Zeitung (later renamed Schweizer Illustrierte ) and the Bärenspiegel .

Otto Wäspi also worked for several decades for the Swiss Eulenspiegel calendar, which is published once a year .

Over the years Otto Wäspi had to struggle with health problems again and again because he suffered from pulmonary tuberculosis . In 1959 he died at the age of 55.

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