Otto Zaugg

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Otto Zaugg (born April 11, 1906 in Bern , † August 9, 1998 in Poschiavo ; hometown Eggiwil ) was a Swiss civil servant and actor in Swiss refugee policy during and after the Second World War .


Otto Zaugg was the son of Rosa Elise Gerber and Hans Zaugg, a businessman. He married Delia Koller and completed his training as a mechanical engineer at the ETH Zurich in 1932 . In 1933 he founded the Swiss Central Office for Voluntary Labor Service , of which he was director until 1946. In 1940 Zaugg carried out a feasibility study on labor camps for civilian refugees on behalf of the federal government ; from April of the same year he was chairman of the newly created federal central management of the labor camps for emigrants . He headed the office, which was renamed the Federal Central Management of Homes and Camps in 1945, until it was dissolved in 1950. Zaugg then moved to the private sector, where he held a management position at the National Insurance Company .

Zaugg's estate is in the Archives for Contemporary History in Zurich.


Fonts (selection)

  • Training, retraining and continuing education for refugees . In: Swiss Central Agency for Refugee Aid (Ed.): Refugees where? Report on the conference on return and onward migration issues in Montreux. Discussion between authorities, aid organizations and refugees. February 25 to March 1, 1945 . Zurich 1945, OCLC 605402872 , p. 158–172 ( Table of Contents [accessed July 7, 2018]).
  • Swiss Central Agency for Voluntary Labor Service (Ed.): Twenty-five years of the Swiss Central Agency for Voluntary Labor Service . Basel 1958, OCLC 603078075 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Madeleine Lerf: Zaugg, Otto. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland .
  2. Holdings: NL Otto Zaugg. Archives for contemporary history . approx. 1925 - 1988. Link