Ottonian celebrations
In the Ottonische Handfeste of June 5, 1311, Duke Otto III. from Lower Bavaria to the Lower Bavarian estates privileges and rights. In return for a one-off tax, Duke Otto granted the Lower Bavarian estates ( nobility , clergy , cities ) lower justice for their possessions. The tax approval right of the estates , which was also guaranteed in the Ottonische Handfeste , together with the Schnaitbacher deed of 1302, marks the beginning of parliamentarism in Bavaria .
The Ottonische Handfeste fixes the local and factual jurisdiction of the groups represented in the state estates in the lower jurisdiction . He reserved the blood, neck and embarrassing jurisdiction - that is, crimes such as manslaughter , arson , rape - and higher civil jurisdiction such as jurisdiction over land for the ducal regional courts . The granting of minor justice for their possessions subsequently led to the formation of noble and ecclesiastical court brands , which represented the lowest autonomous unit of state life in the Bavarian duchy, independently of the sovereign. A distinction must be made between closed and open court stamps. In the closed court brands , the subjects of foreign court lords residing in the Hofmark were also subordinate to the court lord. In the open court stamps, on the other hand, the owner's domain only extended to his own buildings and the subjects who built on property belonging to him.
- Sebastian Hiereth: The Ottonian hand festivals of 1311 and the Lower Bavarian cities and markets. In: Journal for Bavarian State History. - ZBLG 33, 1970. (online)
- Nico Bäro: The development of the estates in Bavaria: Schnaitbach certificate and Ottonian hand festivals. Grin Verlag, 2009, ISBN 978-3-640-44187-7 .
- Heinrich Wirschinger: Presentation of the development, training and the current legal status of the patrimonial jurisdiction in Bavaria . The in 1832 by the Königl. Prize book awarded to the law faculty of the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich. Weber, Munich 1837 ( digitized [accessed April 21, 2013]).