Out of Control (concept)

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Out of Control (German: Out of Control ) describes a demonstration skonzept where demonstrators trying to disperse several times to gather again elsewhere and, unlike for example in the closed appearance of the black block to dissolve the boundaries between demonstrators and the surrounding area . The Out of Control concept is based on a decentralized organizational structure and uncontrolled movements as well as the flow around police cauldrons and the sudden appearance of a crowd, similar to a flash mob .

The aim is to systematically make police operations and tactics such as hiking kettles or the preventive monitoring of gatherings more difficult.


It is a relatively young concept that was derived, among other things, from the experiences of the demonstrations against the G8 summit in Heiligendamm in 2007 , during which massive police security measures could be circumvented, as well as the so-called five-finger tactic of flowing around police barriers . The form of action was used on a large scale at a nationwide demonstration on December 15, 2007 in Hamburg. Of the more than 3,000 participants, however, too few participants followed the out-of-control rules set out in advance, so that the course of the demonstration was not significantly affected. The out-of-control demonstration was therefore "indistinguishable in terms of the result." Nevertheless, the initiators did not reject the concept.


Representatives of the out-of-control tactics complain about increasing restrictions on the right of assembly. Since closed demonstration trains can now be controlled and directed relatively easily by the police and requirements such as the (legal) ban on masking can also be enforced more and more effectively, the out-of-control concept was developed in response to this, the aim of which is to improve forecasts and tactics making it more difficult for the police and thus reducing their influence on the course of the demonstration, while increasing that of the participants.

See also

Web links


  1. Concept explanation of Out of Control at Indymedia
  2. Not everything under control yet, Tagesspiegel of January 28, 2008
  3. Hamburger Abendblatt : “Motto of the elevator on the Saturday before the third Advent: Against repression and state control” - article from December 12, 2007
  4. ^ Karsten Dustin Hoffmann: Red Flora. Aims, means and effects of a left-wing autonomous center in Hamburg, Baden-Baden 2011, pp. 226–241.
  5. ^ Karsten Dustin Hoffmann: Red Flora. Aims, means and effects of a left-wing autonomous center in Hamburg, Baden-Baden 2011, pp. 226–241.