Ovula Nabothi

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Ovula Nabothi in the wall of the cervix uteri

The Ovula Nabothi (lat. Ovula "small eggs, egg-shaped structure") are small yellow-whitish retention cysts in the portio of the cervix . They were mistaken for egg cells by the Leipzig doctor Martin Naboth (* 1675 in Calau (Brandenburg), † 1721 in Leipzig ) and subsequently named after him. The retention cysts are caused by the blockage of mucous gland ducts in the uterine lining. This blockage is caused by the overgrowth of the mucous glands with the squamous epithelium of the vagina, so that the glandular secretion is blocked ( retention ) within the glands and thus the cysts develop.

The Ovula Nabothi, however, have no disease value. With the help of colposcopy , they can be made visible in the external cervix .