Páll Magnússon

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Páll Magnússon (born June 17, 1954 in Reykjavík ) is an Icelandic Independence Party politician , former journalist and was Director General of the public broadcaster Iceland's Ríkisútvarpið from 2005 to 2013 .


Páll Magnússon holds a degree in Political and Economic History (cand. Phil.) From Lund University , Sweden. He has worked for various Icelandic media companies as a journalist and in leading positions, including as a newscaster for the television station Sjónvarpið of the public broadcaster Ríkisútvarpið (RÚV), news editor and managing director of the private television broadcaster Stöð 2 and from 2005 to 2013 as general director of RÚV.

In the parliamentary elections on October 29, 2016 , Páll Magnússon was elected as the candidate of the Independence Party for the southern constituency in the Icelandic parliament Althing . He was re-elected in the early parliamentary elections on October 28, 2017 . As of April 2020, he is chairman of the parliamentary committee on judicial affairs and education and is a member of the budget committee.

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Individual evidence

  1. In Denmark, Iceland and Norway, cand. Denotes a university degree comparable to a master’s degree.
  2. a b c Æviágrip: Páll Magnússon ( Icelandic ) Alþingi. May 30, 2018. Retrieved April 5, 2020.
  3. Tilkynning um úrslit kosninga til Alþingis October 28, 2017 og úthlutun þingsæta ( Icelandic ) Landskjörstjórn. November 8, 2017. Retrieved April 5, 2020.