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The puffing is a technique that smoke (usually tobacco smoke ) in the oral cavity to bring. To do this, a negative pressure is created in the mouth, so that the smoke reaches the mucous membranes and the taste receptors . In this way, the nicotine is absorbed and the aromas bound to the tar particles can be “ tasted ”.

After only a few seconds exposure time, the smoke is blown out again. With cigars and pipes , depending on the type, you take about one puff per minute. Some smokers also move less often.

The smoke is usually not breathed ( inhaled ) directly into the lungs , as is the case with tobacco smoking . When puffing, the focus is on taste , which is why many pipe tobaccos have special flavoring tobacco or other flavors, e.g. B. Vanilla can be added.

Although puffing poses fewer health risks than inhaling, in addition to the risk of nicotine addiction, one is also exposed to an increased risk of cancer compared to not smoking .

Smoking cannabis is often referred to as puffing in colloquial language, although the classic definition does not apply here, as when smoking cannabis the smoke is usually inhaled into the lungs to absorb the psychoactive ingredients.

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Wiktionary: paffen  - explanations of meanings, word origins , synonyms, translations