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Classification according to ICD-10
F06.0 Organic hallucinosis
ICD-10 online (WHO version 2019)

As Palinopsia (of Greek palin "repeated" and "see" opsis) means a face deception, be visually perceived in the objects that usually, in seconds or minutes, rarely been seen some time ago but no longer in the field are present . In contrast to physiological afterimages, a shorter or longer period of time elapses between the image actually seen and its apparent reappearance. These illusions are often so real that it is difficult for those affected to distinguish between the real image and the palinopsia. The illusion is not erased by eye movement, rather it wanders with the wandering eye or appears again and again in the center of visual perception.


Since the illusions often only contain individual details of the originally perceived real image and these seem to fit into the current real perception, the person concerned is often irritated and is not able to correctly assign the perception as an illusion. The palinopsia of a bearded face can lead to the impression, which cannot be assessed with certainty, that all currently visible people have similar beards.


Palinopsia occurs after severe damage to the occipital region (back of the brain), for example through an acute stroke , bleeding or tumor, but also with migraines or as a result of a stroke that has occurred some time ago. A connection with psychotropic substances such as LSD , mescaline or ecstasy is also described. Various drugs such as the antidressants maprotiline , nefazodone and trazodone , the neuroleptic risperidone and interleukin-2 seem to be able to trigger or promote palinopsia.

Palinopsia also occurs in various neurological diseases such as Charles Bonnet syndrome .


Palinopsia usually occurs briefly in the context of the underlying disease; in the case of a connection with psychotropic substances, it disappears when the effect subsides. Occasionally it can be made to go away with anti-epileptic drugs .


Palinopsia is not an optical hallucination in the narrower sense, as it always relates to a real image. It must also be distinguished from physiological afterimages , from double images , from visual perseveration and from the déjà vu experience. A long-term appearance of the illusions after days or weeks or over a long period of time is called hallucinatory palinopsia.


  • B. Schmitz (Ed.) Et al .: Paroxysmal disorders in neurology. Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2005, ISBN 3-540-40789-8 , pp. 113-114.
  • Uwe H. Peters: Lexicon of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, Medical Psychology. Elsevier, Munich, 2007, ISBN 3-437-15061-8 , p. 384.