Pandokos (father of the Palaistra)

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Pandokos ( ancient Greek Πάνδοκος , "the one who receives all") is a person of Greek mythology .

He is the father of Palaistra and two wrestling sons, his house is at a crossroads. Strangers who stop in the easily accessible house are all murdered by Pandokos. His daughter Palaistra asks her lover Hermes when he comes to her house to kill her father.

The myth is handed down in the Etymologicum magnum , where the naming of the inns for outsiders Pandokeia (ancient Greek πανδοκεῖα ) is traced back to him. A late form of the myth can be found in Servius .



  1. Etymologicum magnum 647.56.
  2. ^ Servius, Commentary on Virgil's Aeneid 8, 138.