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As Iberian Federalism or Panhispanismus three are synonymous pan-nationalism refers to:

  • the Hispanidad (Hispanicity, Spaniardism), a cooperation between the Latin American states (excluding Brazil) and Spain, particularly promoted by Spain's dictator Franco.
  • the Iberoamerikanismus or Hispanoamerikanismus , a special form of Pan-Americanism , which seeks the merger of Latin American, sometimes not Spanish and -portugiesischen States themselves under reference to Spain and Portugal, but excluding the United States and Anglo America, so unlike the US Pan-Americanism (see Ibero American Summit ).
  • the Iberian unionism or Iberianism , a move that only the merger especially 1870-1874 Spain and Portugal aimed at a royal personal union (as already 1580-1640), but was already entered as a movement for a federal republic in appearance since 1820 ( see also Liberal Revolution in Portugal ). Under Spain's dictators Primo de Rivera and Franco and Portugal's dictators Salazar and Caetano, the republican opposition sought the overthrow of both rulers and Iberian unity. After the two dictatorships actually ended at the same time in 1974/75, the idea briefly reappeared.


The desire to merge the former Spanish colonies of Latin America, or at least South America among themselves, arose immediately after the hard-won independence, when Simón Bolívar had striven for the United States of America , not unlike later pan-Arabism . After Spain's final defeat in the Spanish-North American War , a feeling of “racial” and cultural ties to Hispanidad ( La Raza Hispánica ) set in again. This counter-movement to US Pan-Americanism originated primarily in Argentina , where the Día de la Hispanidad (Hispanic Day) has been celebrated since 1917 .

Until today, this day of the discovery of America by Columbus , October 12th, is a national holiday in Spain, known as Dia de la Raza (Race Day) but also an official holiday in some Latin American countries. With the emphasis or transfiguration of the Latin race instead of the Spaniard, Ibero America aims at cultural emancipation from Spain, see also Pan-Latinism

The main obstacle to paniberism, however, is the resistance of the USA, but above all the Spanish-Portuguese and the Argentine-Brazilian antagonism, since Brazil is both the pioneer of a South American unity movement (e.g. Mercosur ) and - alongside Portugal - within the CPLP ( Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries ) sees.

See also


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