Pantà de Portbou

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Pantà de Portbou
Tributaries: Riera de Portbou
Drain: Riera de Portbou
Pantà de Portbou (Catalonia)
Pantà de Portbou
Coordinates 42 ° 25 '33 "  N , 3 ° 7' 31"  E Coordinates: 42 ° 25 '33 "  N , 3 ° 7' 31"  E
Data on the structure
Lock type: Reservoir
Construction time: 1973 to 1975
Height of the barrier structure : 27.5 m
Crown length: 87.2 m
Data on the reservoir
Water surface 14,000 m²dep1
Reservoir length 0.24 kmdep1
Reservoir width 0.08 kmdep1
Storage space 100,000 m³
Catchment area 2.6 km²

The Pantà de Portbou is a reservoir on the Riera de Portbou in the Catalan municipality of Portbou ( province of Girona , Alt Empordà ).


Pantà means'swamp, standing water'in Catalan , but is also used for all artificially created reservoirs.


The dam of the Pantà de Portbou, sometimes just called El Pantà or I Pantà , was built between 1973 and 1975. It is of the gravity dam type and made of concrete . Its height is 27.5 meters and the storage capacity is around 100,000 cubic meters. The water level is 130 meters above sea level. The longitudinal direction of the Pantà de Portbou follows the east-northeast direction.

The geological subsurface of the reservoir consists of relatively weakly metamorphic, paleozoic slate rocks from the Albères massif .

The reservoir belongs to the small category in Catalonia . Its purpose is to provide drinking water for the municipality of Portbou, but the water is also used for agricultural irrigation. Despite its undoubtedly regulating effect, a devastating flood occurred in October 1987 on the lower reaches of the Riera de Portbou.

The reservoir is surrounded on its south side by pine forests in an otherwise rather barren and treeless landscape and is therefore a worthwhile excursion destination.

See also

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