Alt Empordà

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Alt Empordà
Coat of arms of Alt Empordà
Localització de l'Alt Empordà.svg
The location of the Comarca Alt Empordà in Catalonia
Basic data
Province: Girona
Main place: Figueres
Surface: 1,355.1 km²
Residents: 141,339 (2019)
Municipalities: 68

The Comarca Alt Empordà ( Spanish Alto Ampurdán ; German  Upper Ampuria ) is an administrative unit in the province of Girona of the Autonomous Community of Catalonia ( Spain ). Alt Empordà was created in 1936 when the historic county of Empordà ( German: Ampurien) was split up. The community association has an area of ​​1,355.1 km² and 141,339 inhabitants (2019).


The association of municipalities borders in the west on the Comarcas Garrotxa and Pla de l'Estany , in the south on Gironès and Baix Empordà , in the east with a 115 km coastline on the Mediterranean Sea and in the north on the French department Pyrénées-Orientales . Together with the comarcas Baix Empordà, Garrotxa, Gironès, Pla de l'Estany, Selva and Ripollès , the region forms the territory of Comarques Gironines .

Alt Empordà is located in the far east of Catalonia on an extensive plain through which the Fluvià and Muga rivers flow . To the north and west are the foothills of the Pyrenees. Much of the coast is taken up by the Gulf of Roses , whose flooded coast is a swampy coastal area. This is where the Parc Natural dels Aiguamolls de l'Empordà , an important refuge for water birds, is located. In the northeast, above the gulf, the Cap de Creus peninsula (nature park) protrudes into the Mediterranean.


Tourism is the region's main source of income, but agriculture, livestock and fishing are also important.


Map of Alt Empordà

Status: 2019

local community Check-
local community Check-
local community Check-
Agullana 831 27.49 Garriguella 855 21.15 Sant Llorenç de la Muga 264 31.88
Albanyà 157 94.51 Jonquera, la 3290 57.31 Sant Miquel de Fluvià 764 3.56
l'Armentera 930 5.77 Lladó 818 13.64 Sant Mori 177 7.39
Avinyonet de Puigventós 1610 12.45 Llançà 4836 27.93 Sant Pere Pescador 2042 18.30
Bàscara 1004 17.20 Llers 1239 21.25 Santa Llogaia d'Alguema 370 1.93
Biure 232 10.01 Maçanet de Cabrenys 688 67.44 Saus, Camallera i Llampaies 837 11.51
Boadella d'Empordà 252 10.88 Masarac 288 12.47 Selva de Mar, la 196 7.16
Borrassà 714 9.49 Mollet de Peralada 189 6.10 Siurana 168 10.52
Cabanelles 279 55.72 Navata 1381 18.52 Terrades 329 20.98
Cabanes 948 15.00 Ordis 371 8.48 Torroella de Fluvià 694 16.95
Cadaqués 2712 26.52 Palau de Santa Eulàlia 91 8.64 Vajol, la 89 4.66
Cantallops 313 19.47 Palau-saverdera 1476 16.52 Ventalló 859 25.61
Capmany 613 26.53 Pau 560 10.44 Vilabertran 979 2.30
Castelló d'Empúries 10,906 42.25 Pedret i Marzà 198 8.63 Viladamat 468 11.37
Cistella 282 25.63 Peralada 1850 43.76 Vilafant 5394 8.37
Colera 448 24.21 Pont de Molins 529 8.63 Vilajuïga 1104 13.20
Darnius 546 35.20 Pontós 266 13.65 Vilamacolum 348 5.64
l'Escala 10,339 16.25 Port de la Selva, el 970 41.77 Vilamalla 1181 8.76
Espolla 416 43.60 Portbou 1075 9.27 Vilamaniscle 200 5.33
Far d'Empordà, el 599 9.19 Rabós 178 45.14 Vilanant 392 16.85
Figueres 46,654 19.09 Riumors 258 6.36 Vilaür 157 5.83
Fortià 763 10.88 Roses 19,550 45.97 Vila-sacra 760 6.05
Garrigàs 437 19.67 Sant Climent Sescebes 626 24.38

See also

Web links

Commons : Alt Empordà  - collection of images, videos and audio files