Vallès Oriental

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Vallès Oriental
Localització del Vallès Oriental.svg
The location of the Comarca Vallès Oriental in Catalonia
Basic data
Province: Barcelona
Main place: Granollers
Surface: 736.55 km²
Residents: 409,638 (2019)
Municipalities: 39

The Comarca Vallès Oriental is located in the province of Barcelona in the autonomous community of Catalonia ( Spain ). The community association has an area of ​​737 km² and 409,638 inhabitants (2019).


The association of municipalities borders in the north on the comarcas Osona and Bages , in the east on Selva , in the south on Barcelonès and Maresme and in the west on Vallès Occidental . Together with the comarcas Alt Penedès , Baix Llobregat, Barcelonès, Garraf , Maresme and Vallès Occidental, the region forms the territory of Àmbit Metropolità de Barcelona .

In an approx. 10 km wide strip, the Catalan pre-coastal plain runs through the entire length of the comarca from east to west. To the north of this plain lies the Montseny pre-coastal mountains with the highest peaks in the municipality, the Turò de l'Home (1,706 m) and the les Agudes (1,706 m). This is also where the Tordera River has its source . South of the pre-coastal plain is the coastal mountain range with the Montnegre and El Corredor mountain ranges . The highest point is the Turò Gross with 773 m. The Riu Besòs is formed at the confluence of the Mogent and Congost rivers .

Map of Vallès Oriental


The Parc Natural del Montseny in the north-east has existed since 1978 and has been declared a Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO . In the southeast is the 150 km² Parc Natural del Montnegre i el Corredor nature park

Several long-distance hiking trails cross the comarca (GR-2, GR-5, GR-92 and GR-97).

Of the cultural monuments, the dolmens in Vallgorguina and Vilalba Sasserra, the Iberian settlement "Turó del Vent" in Llinars, the Roman settlement "Can Terrers" in La Garriga, the Roman baths in Caldes de Montbui and some Romanesque church buildings are worth mentioning.


The AP-7 / E-15 motorway from France to Barcelona cross the valley. Several municipalities are involved in the network of Barcelona's suburban railways ( Cercanías ).


The traditionally agricultural region has undergone a noticeable change due to industrialization , so that some small towns have turned into small industrial centers, including Granollers , Mollet del Vallès and Sant Celoni . In 1991 the “ Circuit de Catalunya ” was opened near Montmeló , where motorcycle and Formula 1 races are held.


Status: 2019

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Aiguafreda 2504 8.00 Gualba 1500 23.14 Sant Celoni 17,904 65.49
l'Ametlla del Vallès 8462 14.13 Llagosta, la 13,480 3.01 Sant Esteve de Palautordera 2820 10.73
Bigues i Riells 9092 29.15 Lliçà d'Amunt 15,256 22.36 Sant Feliu de Codines 6259 15.03
Caldes de Montbui 17,554 37.65 Lliçà de Vall 6542 10.78 Sant Fost de Campsentelles 8737 13.20
Campins 529 7.42 Llinars del Vallès 9938 27.66 Sant Pere de Vilamajor 4472 34.30
Canovelles 16,629 6.76 Martorelles 4801 3.64 Santa Eulàlia de Ronçana 7288 13.97
Cànoves i Samalús 3117 28.62 Mollet del Vallès 51,318 10.80 Santa Maria de Martorelles 893 4.49
Cardedeu 18,357 12.24 Montmeló 8755 3.88 Santa Maria de Palautordera 9423 16.98
Figaró-Montmany 1114 14.92 Montornès del Vallès 16,393 10.25 Tagamanent 323 43.48
Fogars de Montclús 470 39.88 Montseny 342 26.85 Vallgorguina 2891 22.17
Franqueses del Vallès, les 20.092 29.74 Parets del Vallès 19,082 9.07 Vallromanes 2579 10.61
Garriga, la 16,514 19.07 Roca del Vallès, la 10,650 36.76 Vilalba Sasserra 716 5.91
Granollers 61,275 14.97 Sant Antoni de Vilamajor 6135 13.92 Vilanova del Vallès 5432 15.52

See also

Web links

Commons : Vallès Oriental  - Collection of images, videos and audio files