Anti-tank helicopter

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Antitank helicopter (short: PAH ; English ( NATO ) anti-armor helicopter, antitank helicopter ( ATH ) ) is a with anti-tank missile equipped helicopter gunships . Through the use of stabilized target acquisition and tracking devices as well as automated sighting and weapons control systems, fighting tanks is possible at distances of up to 4000 m, with effective fire fighting still being able to take place outside the effective range of the enemy air defense .

The Bundeswehr used the " PAH-1 anti-tank helicopter ", a modified version of the civilian Bo 105 P helicopter , armed with six rockets / guided missiles of the HOT type . 212 helicopters had been procured. In addition, Germany and France with which it was combat helicopters Eurocopter Tiger , the former as a PAH-2 realized called common procurement projects. This is equipped with a third generation anti-tank missile system. The weapon system is characterized by special hand-to-hand combat capabilities.

The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) defines the term “anti-tank helicopter” in the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE Treaty) of November 1990 in Article II as “Special attack helicopter / combat helicopter”.

Individual evidence

  1. MILITARY STUDY GLOSSARY ENGLISH Part II / Part III, German - English, abbreviation term, Bundessprachenamt (January 2001), p. 283, Panzerabwehrhubschrauber (PAH) - antiarmor helicopter, antitank helicopter (ATH).
  2. Video "Last shot" , October 16, 2013 on the Bundeswehr's YouTube channel, 1:20
  3. BROCKHAUS, The Encyclopedia in 24 Volumes (1796-2001), Volume 16: 3-7653-3676-9, p. 530, definition: anti-tank helicopter .
  4. Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe: Article II ... Definition of "anti-tank helicopter"