Paprika pulp

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Paprikamark ( Turkish: biber salçası ) is a concentrated spice paste made from paprika , which is mainly used in Turkish and Balkan cuisine . Apart from salt , paprika pulp contains no spices. It is a typical component of Turkish minced meat dishes and stews.

In traditional production methods, ripe peppers are first pre-dried in the sun, pitted, mashed and slowly boiled down in a shallow pot until a paste is formed; The industrial production that is customary today essentially corresponds to that of tomato paste , that is, the fresh, strained pulp is concentrated by heating or vacuum and then pasteurized .

Mild ( tatlı ) and hot ( acı ) paprika pulp is offered , depending on the type of paprika used and the amount of seeds used, and mixed with tomato paste.

In classic recipes of Western European cuisine, paprika pulp means chopped, steamed and strained red sweet peppers, i.e. more of a mild puree .

See also