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Parakinesis ( Greek next to / during movement ) is the medical term for irregular, inharmonious and irregular movements that deviate from the norm . The cause is typically impaired coordination . Complex movements such as gestures, facial expressions and language are often affected.

These are diagnoses with disease value in the fields of psychopathology and / or neurology .

The term is also used in literature as a synonym for movement stereotypes ( compulsive repetition of different movements such as "rubbing hands" or "blinking").

Individual evidence

  1. UH Peters: Lexicon Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, Medical Psychology: with an English-German dictionary attached. Urban & Fischer-Verlag, 2007, ISBN 978-3-437-15061-6 , p. 1624, (online)
  2. C. Bischoff et al .: Clinical Guide Neurology, Psychiatry. Urban & Fischer-Verlag, 2003, ISBN 3-437-23140-5 , p. 238, (online)
  3. TR Payk: Psychopathology: from symptom to diagnosis. Springer, 2007, ISBN 978-3-540-35451-2 , p. 194, (online)