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Parasphaerichthys ocellatus

Parasphaerichthys ocellatus

Perch relatives (Percomorphaceae)
Order : Climbing fish species (Anabantiformes)
Subordination : Labyrinth fish (Anabantoidei)
Family : Osphronemidae
Subfamily : Luciocephalinae
Genre : Parasphaerichthys
Scientific name
Prashad & Mukerji , 1929

Parasphaerichthys is a genus of small labyrinth fish (Anabantoidei) thatoccurs intwo species in small, muddy waters in Myanmar .


Parasphaerichthys species are 2.5 to 5 centimeters long and with their brownish color resemble the closely related chocolate gouramis ( Sphaerichthys ) from the Malay Peninsula and the Indonesian islands of Sumatra and Borneo . However, they are not as high-backed and have a rather oval body. The small mouth is strongly protactile (can be pushed forward). The horizontal branch of the preoperculum is slightly sawn. The eyes are very big. In contrast to Sphaerichthys , where the jaws are the same length, in Parasphaerichthys the lower jaw is longer than the upper jaw. In Sphaerichthys there are still rudiments of the lateral line organ ; in Parasphaerichthys they are completely absent. The attachment of the pelvic fins in Parasphaerichthys is a little behind the pectoral fin attachment , in Sphaerichthys it is the other way around. In Parasphaerichthys the dorsal fin is supported by 2 to 4 hard rays and 4 to 6 soft rays and the long anal fin by 8 to 13 hard rays and 11 to 14 soft rays, in Sphaerichthys there are 8 to 12 hard rays and 7 to 10 soft rays in the dorsal fin and 8 to 10 hard rays and 18 to 22 soft rays in the anal fin.


Two species belong to the genus Parasphaerichthys

supporting documents

  1. Prashad, B. and DD Mukerji, 1929. The fish of the Indawgyi Lake and the streams of the Myitkyina District (Upper Burma). Records of the Indian Museum (Calcutta) v. 31 (pt 3), page 216 and 217.
  2. Parasphaerichthys on (English)