Paraswammerdamia nebulella

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Paraswammerdamia nebulella
Paraswammerdamia lutarea.jpg

Paraswammerdamia nebulella

Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Butterflies (Lepidoptera)
Family : Spider moths and bud moths (Yponomeutidae)
Subfamily : Yponomeutinae
Genre : Paraswammerdamia
Type : Paraswammerdamia nebulella
Scientific name
Paraswammerdamia nebulella
( Goeze , 1783)

Paraswammerdamia nebulella is a butterfly ( moth ) from the family of spider moths and bud moths (Yponomeutidae).


The moths reach a wingspan of 11 to 14 millimeters. They are grayish in color and have white hair on the head. There is a black row of dots on the forewing. A sexual dimorphism is not formed, drawing and coloring vary only slightly.

The caterpillars reach a length of six to ten millimeters. The head is ocher-colored, dorsally and laterally dark marbled and has a posterolateral drawing. The frontal plate ( clypeus ) is whitish, the stemmatal area blackish. The prothoracic shield is black-brown with the exception of a light brown area on either side of the midline. The midline is pure white in color and widest at the anterior and posterior edge of the thoracic shield. The integument has a narrow pale pink border in front of the thoracic shield. The thorax is significantly thinner than the abdomen and has a broad, white lateral line. The surface of the abdominal bones is granulated, the femur and tibia are blackish in color. The tarsi are translucent brown. A thin purple-red back line runs on the caterpillar's body. The white lateral line is only narrow on the first abdominal segment and the anterior part of the second, on abdominal segments three to seven it consists only of white intersegment points before it appears as a blurred line on segments eight and nine and the anterior part of segment ten. The stigmas are small and only visible with optical aids. The peritrema , a ring-shaped sclerite that surrounds the breathing openings, is yellow in color. The pinacula (warts or small sclerotized areas on the bristle base) are white and have a black point on the hair base. The caterpillar hairs are colored translucent brown. The dorsolateral dark brown band continues on the anal segment and is a little reddish in color here. It runs around the anal plate towards the pusher . The anal plate is whitish and light brown piebald and provided with hair base points. The planta (a sole-like end plate) and the base of the pusher are translucent white. The base of the pusher has a reddish brown or black ring on the outer front. The hook ring of the follower is black, the follower itself is reddish brown. A large dark brown, almost black drawing with a whitish border and black hair base points runs to the outer front of the pusher and its front end.

Similar species


The species is common in Central Europe and is not uncommon. The moths can be found on the edges of forests, bushes, hedges and gardens.

Way of life

The caterpillars eat mainly hawthorns ( Crataegus ) and rowan ( Sorbus aucuparia ), occasionally, the roses ( Rosa ) and Cotoneaster horizontalis ( Cotoneaster horizontalis ). The young caterpillars mine in the leaves of their food plants. Young caterpillars overwinter. Later they live in white webs on branches and leaves that are typical for the family. In June, the caterpillars pupate in a firm, white, almond-shaped cocoon , which is either under a fine web on a branch or in one or more leaves that are woven together.

Flight and caterpillar times

Paraswammerdamia nebulella forms two generations that fly from June to July and August to September. The moths are nocturnal and can often be found in the light. The caterpillars can be observed from June.



  • Paraswammerdamia lutarea (Haworth, 1828)
  • Erminea lutarea Haworth, 1828
  • Paraswammerdamia oxyacanthella Duponchel, 1842


Individual evidence

  1. Guide to the moths of Great Britain and Ireland. (No longer available online.) Ian Kimber, formerly the original ; Retrieved August 15, 2008 .  ( Page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /  
  2. ^ Peter V. Küppers: Kleinschmetterlinge. Recognize, determine. Fauna Verlag, 2008, ISBN 978-3-935980-24-1 .
  3. a b c Paraswammerdamia nebulella (GOEZE, 1783). Lepiforum e. V .: Determination aid of the Lepiforum for the butterfly species found in Germany, Austria and Switzerland., Accessed on April 17, 2014 .

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