Parauncinula septata

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Parauncinula septata
Subdivision : Real ascent mushrooms (Pezizomycotina)
Class : Leotiomycetes
Order : Powdery mildew mushrooms (Erysiphales)
Family : Erysiphaceae
Genre : Parauncinula
Type : Parauncinula septata
Scientific name
Parauncinula septata
( ES Salmon ) S. Takam. & U. Braun

Parauncinula Septata is a filamentous fungus from the family of powdery mildew fungi (Erysiphaceae). It is a plant pathogen and attacks oak trees ( Quercus ).


The species forms an extensive mycelium on leaves. Conidia are not formed. The Chasmothecia are scattered and typically found on the underside of the leaf. Their diameter is (80-) 100–230 µm. The peridial cells are irregularly polygonal to rounded and 6–15 µm in diameter. The appendages of the fruiting bodies are very numerous and (30-) 50–200 (-220) µm long. They are located in the upper half of the Chasmothecium and are slightly shorter than the Chasmothecia's diameter. Their thickness is constant over the entire length and is 3–8 µm. The appendages have 5-11 septa, which often extend into the upper half and sometimes even to the tip. The tips of the appendages are hook-shaped or rolled up. The appendages are hyaline and pigmented brown in the lower half. The fruiting bodies contain 6–15 (-18) asci. These are elliptical-egg-shaped to sack-like and have a size of (35-) 45–95 × (20-) 25–45 µm. They are short-stalked and 4-8-spore. The ascospores are straight to curved and comma-shaped when ripe. Their size is 25–40 × 10–16.5 µm.


The species attacks Quercus dentata , Quercus fabri , Quercus serrata and Quercus variabilis . It occurs in Japan and China.


Uwe Braun, Roger TA Cook: Taxonomic Manual of the Erysiphales (Powdery Mildews) . CBS-Knaw Fungal Biodiversity Center, Utrecht 2012, ISBN 978-90-70351-89-2 .