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Operation of a dropsy by paracentesis in the 16th century

Under paracentesis (para ancient Greek "next" with the suffix -zentese "bite") is meant a puncture or sever a body structure with the aim of a body fluid or a gas to derive the outside. If a cannula is used for piercing, it is also called a puncture . If a dissipative element is introduced - e.g. B. a tube - this is called a drainage .



To lower the intraocular pressure in anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (colloquially "eye infarction"), the eye chamber pressure can be reduced by paracentesis.


Middle ear
# 4: eardrum
# 12: Eustachian tube

Paracentesis on the ear or eardrum is a small operation that is used to restore middle ear ventilation, usually when the ear trumpet ( Eustachi tube ) is blocked . During paracentesis, a small incision is made in the anterior, lower quadrant of the eardrum . To prevent this incision from closing prematurely, a ventilation tube is sometimes inserted into the incision. This tube usually falls out of the incision by itself after a while and the incision heals without further therapy.

Abdominal cavity

In abdominal surgery and gastroenterology, paracentesis in connection with ascites (fluid accumulation in the abdominal cavity) means puncture of the abdominal cavity and ascites drainage.


In thoracic surgery , a thoracentesis , so the derivation of a fluid accumulation between the pleura and pleura , as well as ( pleura - paracentesis be referred to).

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