Pardulf of Gueret

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St-Pardoux Church at Archignat , Allier
St-Pardoux Church in Saint-Pardoux-de-Drône

Pardulf von Gueret (French: Saint-Pardoux or Saint-Pardulphe ; * around 657 in Sardent , † around 740 in Guéret ?) Was an early medieval hermit and later abbot of the monastery of Guéret. He is especially venerated as a saint in the south of France .


Several roughly identical saints' lives are known; the most important basis of his life and work, however, is the Acta Sanctorum of the Bollandists from the middle of the 17th century. According to them, Pardulfus was a farm boy or the child of a farmhand. As a child he was hit in the head by the branch of a falling tree and went blind for a short time; as a result he also experienced an inner spiritual and moral change - from then on he lived as a hermit and as an ascetic (he ate only once a week and refused any kind of heat generated by fire). Gradually he began with merciful deeds and miraculous healings ( thaumaturge ).

Another text says that Lantarius , a more or less legendary Count of Limoges , persuaded the hermit Pardulfus, who was revered as a miracle worker, to settle on his property. Other hermits followed him and an abbey was built on the site of today's Guéret, of which Pardulfus became abbot. The abbey was destroyed in a Viking raid in the 9th century , but the place survived.


The popular veneration of Saint-Pardoux in the 10th century in the diocese of Limoges has been documented without ever being canonized . It appears in several regional saints' lives, but the Martyrologium Romanum does not name it. 22 towns in the south of France, mainly in the Creuse and Corrèze departments, are named after him and numerous churches are dedicated to him (→ Saint-Pardoux ).

His feast day is October 6th; He is considered the patron saint of the blind, but the numerous cattle breeders in the region also adore him. An arm reliquary from the 13th century was in the church of Sardent; it is shown today at the Musée d'art et d'archéologie de Guéret .


Medieval representations of the saint are not known. Some modern stained glass windows show him as an abbot.

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Commons : Pardulphus  - collection of images, videos and audio files