Parliamentary election in the autonomous district of Khanty and Mansi / Ugra 2016

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2011Result of the general election
(in %)
Gains and losses
compared to
 % p
± 0
Distribution of seats after the election
A total of 38 seats

The parliamentary election in the Khanty and Mansi Autonomous Okrug / Ugra in 2016 was the election for the sixth Duma of the Khanty and Mansi Autonomous Okrug / Ugra . It was held at the same time as the parliamentary elections in Russia in 2016 and thus took place on September 18, 2016.

Electoral system

Half of the 38 mandates were elected by proportional representation and half by majority vote. Thus there were 19 seats, which were allocated on the basis of the number of votes on the electoral lists , and 19 seats, which were determined in one-man constituencies , with a relative majority being sufficient.


After the parliament in the Autonomous Okrug of Khanty and Mansi / Ugra set election day to September 18, 2016 on June 16, 2016, lists and candidates could submit their candidacy from July 4, 2016. The deadline for submitting the documents and the candidacy was August 3, 17 days after the election campaign began .

Party lists

The following political parties were given the right to compete with their lists without first submitting signatures from eligible voters :

All other parties had to submit signature lists with at least 0.5 percent of the eligible voters. The following table lists all participating lists:

number Political party List candidates status
1 Communist Party of the Russian Federation 52 registered
2 Patriots of Russia 26th registered
3 Communists of Russia 15th Registration canceled by court
4th Growth party 42 registered
5 Just Russia 44 registered
6th Liberal Democratic Party of Russia 57 registered
7th United Russia 60 registered

Direct candidates

In the 19 constituencies, candidates who wanted to register had to present the signatures of at least 3 percent of those eligible to vote.

Political party Applications Registered candidates
United Russia 19th 18th
Communist Party of the Russian Federation 18th 17th
Liberal Democratic Party of Russia 19th 19th
Rodina 1 0
Just Russia 16 15th
Yabloko 5 5
Self-application 16 3
total 94 77


Final election results for the sixth Duma of the Khanty and Mansi Autonomous Okrug / Ugra
position Political party Proportional representation Proportional representation Mandates by proportional representation Mandates by majority vote Total seats Seat share
1 United Russia 205,570 46.87% 11 17th 28 73.68%
2 Liberal Democratic Party of Russia 110.930 25.29% 5 1 6th 15.79%
3 Communist Party of the Russian Federation 50.505 11.51% 2 1 3 7.89%
4th Just Russia 35,386 8.07% 1 0 1 2.63%
5 Growth party 8,477 1.93% 0 - 0 0%
6th Patriots of Russia 6,172 1.41% 0 - 0 0%
Yabloko - - - 0 0 0%
Self-application - - - 0 0 0%
Invalid ballot 21,602 4.92%
total 438,642 100% 19th 19th 38 100%

The voter turnout was 38.13 percent, 1,128,147 people were registered as eligible voters.

Individual evidence

  1. Об общих результатах выборов депутатов Думы Ханты-Мансийского автономного округа - Югры шестого созыва (Russian)
  2. a b О Календарном плане мероприятий по подготовке и проведению выборов депутатов Думы Ханты -Мансийского автономного округа - Югры шестого созыва. Retrieved June 6, 2018 (Russian).
  3. Список политических партий, выдвижение которыми (их региональными отделениями и иными структурными подразделениями) кандидатов, списков кандидатов считается поддержанным избирателями и не требует сбора подписей избирателей на выборах депутатов Думы Ханты -Мансийского автономного округа - Югры. Retrieved June 6, 2018 (Russian).
  4. О количестве достоверных подписей избирателей, необходимых для регистрации списка кандидатов, выдвинутого по единому избирательному округу и максимально допустимом количестве подписей избирателей , представляемых в Избирательную комиссию Ханты-Мансийского автономного округа - Югры при проведении выборов депутатов Думы Ханты-Мансийского автономного округа - Югры шестого созыва . Retrieved June 6, 2018 (Russian).
  5. Сведения о проводящихся выборах и референдумах. Retrieved June 6, 2018 .
  6. Об исполнении апелляционного определения Верховного Суда Российской Федерации от 13 сентябрая. 2016 годдерации. Retrieved June 6, 2018 (Russian).
  8. Сведения о проводящихся выборах и референдумах. Retrieved June 6, 2018 .
  9. Сведения о проводящихся выборах и референдумах. Retrieved June 6, 2018 .
  10. Численность избирателей на 1 июля 2016 года. Retrieved June 6, 2018 .