Parodia penicillata

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Parodia penicillata
Parodia penicillata pm 01.JPG

Parodia penicillata

Order : Clove-like (Caryophyllales)
Family : Cactus family (Cactaceae)
Subfamily : Cactoideae
Tribe : Notocacteae
Genre : Parody
Type : Parodia penicillata
Scientific name
Parodia penicillata
Fechser & Steeg

Parodia penicillata is a species of plant in the genus Parodia in the cactus family(Cactaceae). The specific epithet magnifica comes from Latin , means 'like an artist's brush' and refers to the arrangement of the thorns.


Parodia penicillata usually grows individually. The green shoots, which are initially spherical , later become cylindrical. They reach heights of growth of up to 30 centimeters (rarely up to 70 centimeters) and a diameter of 12 centimeters. The approximately 19 spirally arranged ribs are clearly humped. The areoles on them are heavily woolly. The single central spine has a length of 2.5 to 5 centimeters. It can hardly be distinguished from the approximately 40 radial spines, which are very different in length. The thin radial spines lie on the shoot surface, are yellowish to almost colorless and glassy and 0.8 to 1.5 centimeters (rarely up to 2 centimeters) long.

The orange-yellow to red flowers reach lengths of up to 5 centimeters and diameters of 4 centimeters. Your pericarpel and the flower tube are covered with white wool and one or two brown bristles that arise from each scaled axilla. The scars are light yellow. The thin-walled, elongated, initially reddish fruits turn olive-brown when ripe. They have a diameter of up to 7 millimeters. The fruits contain shiny dark brown seeds 6 millimeters in diameter.

Distribution, systematics and endangerment

Parodia penicillata is common in the Argentine province of Salta near Cafayate at altitudes of 1000 to 2000 meters.

The first description by H. Fechser and MG van der Steeg was published in 1960. Synonyms are Parodia penicillata var. Nivosa Fechser (1966, nom. Inval. ICBN -Article 37.1) and Parodia penicillata var. Fulviceps Backeb. ex Weskamp (1992).

In the Red List of Threatened Species of IUCN is the species as " Endangered (EN) ," d. H. listed as endangered.



Individual evidence

  1. Urs Eggli, Leonard E. Newton: Etymological Dictionary of Succulent Plant Names . Springer, Berlin / Heidelberg 2010, ISBN 978-3-642-05597-3 , p. 181.
  2. ^ Succulenta 1960 . 1960, p. 77.
  3. Parodia penicillata in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2013.2. Posted by: Lowry, M., 2012. Retrieved January 19, 2014.

Web links

Commons : Parodia penicillata  - collection of images, videos and audio files