Partido Moderado

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The Moderate Party ( Partido Moderado ) was one of the two major liberal political organizations in Spain in the 19th century, especially during the reign of Isabella II. Like the competing Progressive Party ( Partido Progresista ), it was formed in 1834 during the reign of Francisco Martínez de la Pink .

In contrast to the radical liberals organized in the Progressive Party, the moderados advocated a policy of strengthening royal authority, were more capitalist- oriented and advocated a more centralized government in Madrid. They were also much more church-friendly than the progressives.

In general, members and supporters of the moderates included the army, significant parts of the richer bourgeoisie, large landowners and the status quo -oriented petty bourgeoisie. After the defeat of conservative Carlism , moderate Carlists also joined the party . Its main political leader was Ramón María Narváez .

The importance of the moderate party declined rapidly with the revolution of 1868 and the new constitution of 1869. She was not represented in the first Cortes or in the Parliament of the First Republic .

After the Restoration of 1874 , the Moderate Party merged with the Liberal Union to form the Conservative Party under the leadership of Antonio Cánovas del Castillo .

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