Partido Progresista (Spain)

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The Partido Progresista (German "Progressive Party") was a political association in Spain in the 19th century. It emerged in 1834 as a radical-liberal opposition group against the rule of the regent Maria Christina of Sicily and split into various left-liberal groups during the Restoration after the failure of the First Republic in 1874.

The political forces united in it are also known as Exaltados ( Eng . "Radicals") or Veinteañistas ( Eng . "Twenties", after the revolution of 1820 ). The political conflict between the progressive liberals and the Moderados (dt. "Moderates" ') or doceañistas (dt. "Twelve" ) organized in the moderate party ( Partido Moderado ) , after 1812, the year of Ferdinand VII's restoration after the Napoleonic Wars ), which later became part of the Conservative Party , shaped the political landscape in 19th century Spain.

The progressive advocated the establishment of a bourgeois national guard (Milicia Nacional) and the establishment of people's or jury courts (jurados populares), they advocated the idea of popular sovereignty , fought for a change from census suffrage to universal male suffrage, and supported a strict separation from Church and State ( secularism ). The moderates took opposing positions and stood, among other things, for a division of sovereignty between the crown and the people, for good relations with the church and for maintaining or even tightening the census suffrage.

The progressives defended the rule of Isabella II , who was more open to liberal reforms, against the claims of the reactionary pretender Don Carlos and the subsequent Carlist heirs to the throne. Since the support for Isabella II required that the Queen Mother and Regent Maria Christina of Sicily, who opposed the political reform program of liberalism in various ways, be willing to compromise, the party often got involved in political contradictions, wing battles and conflicts even more radical liberals or anti-monarchical republican forces.

Generals Juan Prim and Baldomero Espartero were among the most important leaders of the Progressives .
