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Passatelli in brodo

Passatelli are a typical soup dish ( Passatelli in brodo ) of Romagna in the Italian region Emilia-Romagna and the province of Pesaro and Urbino . They are also eaten without soup ( passatelli asciutti ).


The dough of bread crumbs , Parmesan cheese and eggs is with pepper , nutmeg , lemon peel and salt seasoned and by a specially provided hole iron ( Ferro per i passatelli pressed) by about half a centimeter to form Wieners that in chicken broth or fish soup boiled until they rise to the surface.


The recipe probably derives from the tardura , a soup made from eggs, cheese and grated bread , which the scholar and folklorist Michele Placucci (1782–1840) mentioned in his work on the farmers of Romagna Usi e pregiudizi dei contadini di Romagna (1818) and was given to women who have recently given birth . Pellegrino Artusi (1820–1911), who is considered the founder of the Italian national cuisine, described the Passatelli in 1891 in his recipe collection La scienza in cucina e l'arte di mangiar bene (“The science of cooking and the art of enjoyment”).