Patrick Wischnewski (football player)

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Patrick Wischnewski (born August 5, 1981 ) is a former German American football player.


Wischnewski played from 1995 in the offspring of the Lübeck Cougars and from 1999 in the men of the Hanseatic city. At the beginning of the 2000s he was considered one of the best German football players on the running back position . In the playing years 2003 and 2004 he was the best in points in the GFL2 . In the 2005 season Wischnewski played for the Hamburg Sea Devils in the NFL Europe , the trained mechanical engineer was on the field in ten matches. After his engagement in the NFL Europe, he ran again for the Lübeck Cougars until he was injured. In 2006 he went to the Lübeck Seals , where he worked in various positions (player, coach and, from November 2018, club chairman). For the 2019 season he rejoined the Lübeck Cougars as a player.

Individual evidence

  1. Team Storm 2012 introduces itself! Retrieved January 29, 2020 (German).
  2. a b Lübeck Cougars - Patrick Wischnewski is back! Retrieved January 29, 2020 .
  4. ^ Patrick Wischnewski - Pro Football Archives. Retrieved January 29, 2020 .
  5. Cougars: The way for Lübeck football fusion is clear. Retrieved January 29, 2020 .