Paul Alber

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Friedrich Wilhelm Paul Alber (born June 1, 1880 in Enzweihingen , † October 6, 1966 in Ulm ) was a German sheep farmer.


Alber was born to a sheep farmer. His father owned the largest sheep farm in Württemberg in the Heilbronn area . At an early age he followed in his father's footsteps professionally. He came to Ulm in the 1920s and made great contributions to the development of the Ulm wool processing company, which was supposed to support the sheep farmers in selling their wool. After the end of the Second World War , he organized the rebuilding of the company.

For 23 years he was the first chairman of the Württemberg State Association of Sheep Breeders . He was later appointed honorary chairman.



Individual evidence

  1. Information from the Ulm City Archives from July 1, 2013