Paul Isenfels

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Paul Isenfels , bourgeois Paul Isigkeit (born January 1, 1888 in Gumbinnen / East Prussia , today Gussew / Russia , † January 7, 1974 in Lindenberg im Allgäu ) was a German actor, writer and photographer.

Above all, Paul Isenfels was an advocate of a life-reforming nudist culture in the tradition of Karl Wilhelm Diefenbach and Hugo Höppener alias Fidus , both painters and also life reformers. Isenfels conveyed his idea of ​​free body gymnastics with lectures and publications with his own photos. His publication “Danced Harmonies” from 1927 illustrates photos showing students of the Stuttgart School for Music and Physical Culture of Ida Herion in expressive poses, at the same time conveying the original impression of the park and the park architecture of the Villa Weissenburg in Stuttgart.

Isenfels built himself a house in Nidden, today Nida / Lithuania, on the Curonian Spit in the 1920s, where he lived until 1941 and ran a postcard publisher. During the Nazi regime, Isenfels, who remained unmarried and childless, also took photos of boys and girls from the Hitler Youth.

Own publications with own photos

  • Paul Isenfels: Gymnastics as a joy of life . Stuttgart 1926 (with 72 photographic illustrations by the author);
  • Paul Isenfels: danced harmonies . Stuttgart 1927 (with 120 photographic illustrations by the author) - printed in: Klaus Steinke: Teehaus, Tanz und Berg der Truth. Tübingen 2018, pp. 146 - 185;
  • Paul Isenfels: Nidden, Ostseebad Kurische Nehrung, Memelland . Edited by the community bathing administration Nidden. Leipzig 1934

Publication with photos of Isenfels

  • Hans Suren: German gymnastics . Oldenburg / Berlin 1925 (with 39 photographic illustrations by Isenfels)

Individual evidence

  1. State Archives Augsburg estate files Paul Isenfels (AG Lindau VI 40/1974)
  2. Klaus Steinke: Tea House, Dance and Mountain of Truth. Tübingen 2018, pp. 199–202, p. 199 also a portrait photo of Isenfels