Paul Richard Kahleyß

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Paul Richard Kahleyß , also Kahleyss , (born December 24, 1872 in Zerbst , † after 1935) was a German judge .


In 1895 Kahleyß entered the civil service. He received his PhD in the same year. He was appointed court assessor in 1904. In 1906 he was appointed district judge in Treuenbrietzen. 1910 he was promoted to district judge in Halle / Saale. He was appointed higher regional judge in Breslau in 1914. In 1921 he was appointed deputy president of the dissolution office for family property in Breslau. In 1925 he came to the Imperial Court . He was in the IV. Criminal Senate and in the VI. Civil Senate active. He retired between 1936 and 1938.


  • The prohibitions of determination and limitation of time under Roman law, Diss. Leipzig 1895.


  • Adolf Lobe : “Fifty Years of the Reichsgericht on October 1, 1929”, Berlin 1929, p. 386.
  • Gerhard Schulze: Acta Borussica - New episode. 1st row: The Protocols of the Prussian State Ministry 1817–1934 / 38. Volume 11, II: November 14, 1918 to March 31, 1925 . from the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences , Hildesheim, Zurich, New York 2002, p. 614 ( PDF ).

Individual evidence

  1. In the cast lists of Friedrich Karl Kaul, History of the Reichsgericht, Volume IV (1933–1945), East Berlin 1971, it is listed until 1936