Paul Siegfried

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Paul Siegfried (1878–1938) lawyer, historian, writer.  Gerberbrunnen also called Richtbrunnen at Gerbergasse 48 in Basel-Stadt.  Inscription: The basilisk, a wild beast, once dwelt in this well with a dark ground - the legend does it and announces it.  Today he is holding Basel's coat of arms.  Thereupon a court was cherished here, dancing and minnesong were also cultivated;  from the guild house that then stood at the source, it was called the tannery fountain.  After many a year it dries up, today it flows again full and clear.  No dragon thinks of murder in him, but another dragon lives on, O Basel, get rid of him: the discord breaks your head! " html
Gerberbrunnen also called Richtbrunnen with poem by Paul Siegfried. Gerbergasse 48 in Basel-Stadt

Paul Siegfried (born November 2, 1878 in Basel ; † September 5, 1938 there ) was a Swiss lawyer , historian and writer.

life and work

Paul Siegfried, son of an advocate , studied law in Basel and Berlin . In 1891 he received his doctorate in Basel. iur. Study visits to Paris and Italy followed. 1904–1907 he was a preliminary investigative officer, 1907–1911 examining magistrate and 1911–1919 public prosecutor in Basel. During this time he published several legal treatises. During the First World War he turned more and more to his literary work and finally gave up his state office in 1919. He also published numerous writings on the history of Basel.

Works (selection)

  • Basel's street names , Basel 1921.
  • Basel's softening , Basel 1922
  • Basel and the first uprising in Baden in April 1848 . 104th New Year's Gazette of the GGG , Basel 1926
  • Basel during the second and third Baden uprisings in 1848/49 . 106th New Year's Gazette of the GGG, Basel 1928
  • History of the non-profit society in Basel from 1777–1926: Festschrift for the 150th foundation celebration . Basel 1927


  • Gustav Steiner : In memory of Dr. Paul Siegfried, public prosecutor, 1878–1938 . In: Basler Jahrbuch 1940, Basel: Helbing & Lichtenhahn, pp. 125–141

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