Paul Steinführ

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Paul Steinführ (born September 30, 1900 in Freienwalde , Saatzig district , † April 3, 1983 ) was a German trade unionist . He was second chairman of the central board of the leather industrial union in the FDGB .


Steinführ was born the son of a stonemason . The family moved to Berlin in 1901 . Steinführ attended elementary school there . He worked as an errand boy , later he completed an apprenticeship as a portfolio company and worked in this profession.

In 1919 he became a member of the German Saddlery, Upholsterer and Portefeuiller Association , and in 1923 he joined the SPD . At times he was a member of the local administration in Berlin and the executive board of the upholstery, upholsterer and portfolio association. Between 1931 and 1944 Steinführ worked as a home worker. In 1944 Steinführ was drafted into military service in the Wehrmacht , in 1945 he was taken prisoner by the Soviets .

After his return from captivity, he rejoined the SPD in 1945 and became a member of the SED in 1946 . From 1946 he was a member of the central board of the leather industry union (IG Leder) in the FDGB. From October 1947 to November 1949 he was second chairman of the central board of IG Leder. On November 23, 1949, he was dismissed for alleged "incompetence" and alleged "only trade unionism".

After completing a course at the state trade union school in Leipzig, he became an employee of the central board of the IG Textile, Clothing and Leather (IG TBL): First he was a production branch manager, then an organizational instructor, and finally head of the secretariat or deputy head of the organization department of the central board of the IG TBL.


  • Detlev Brunner: The change of the FDGB to a communist mass organization. the minutes of the Bitterfeld conference of the FDGB on 25./26. November 1948 . Klartext-Verlag, Essen 1996, ISBN 3-88474-479-8 , p. 28.
  • Detlev Brunner: Social Democrats in the FDGB. From trade union to mass organization from 1945 to the early 1950s . Klartext-Verlag, Essen 2000, ISBN 3-88474-863-7 , p. 356.
  • Andreas Herbst : Steinführ, Paul . In: Dieter Dowe , Karlheinz Kuba, Manfred Wilke (Hrsg.): FDGB-Lexikon. Function, structure, cadre and development of a mass organization of the SED (1945–1990). Berlin 2009, ISBN 978-3-86872-240-6 .