Paul Steup

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Paul Steup (born June 29, 1895 in Herbede ; † November 7, 1966 in Münster ) was a German politician, first of the Center Party and later of the CDU .


Steup passed the foreman examination in 1923.

Steup had been a member of the Center Party since 1918. Since 1924 he was a member of the board of the party in the province of Westphalia . He was also involved in the Christian trade union movement , the Catholic labor movement and in the settlement sector until 1928 . In 1927/28 he was chairman of the Kettlersiedlung in Witten . Since 1928 he was the full-time managing director and city councilor in Dortmund .

After 1945 Steup spoke out against reestablishing the center and in favor of a mixed denominational party. He was therefore a co-founder of the CDU in Westphalia and became regional manager for Westphalia and Lippe.

Steup was a member of the Provincial Council for Westphalia in 1946 and in the appointed Landtag of North Rhine-Westphalia in 1946 and 1947 . He was then directly elected member of the state parliament for the constituency of Meschede-Wittgenstein in the first electoral term.

His daughter Elisabeth (1928–2006) was a lawyer.

Web links

Paul Steup at the state parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia