Pavlína Filipovská

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Pavlína Filipovská

Pavlína Filipovská (born May 28, 1941 in Prague ) is a Czech actress and singer who reached her greatest popularity in the 1960s.


In 1958 Filipovská, the daughter of actor František Filipovský , began working as a television presenter for children's programs. She learned acting and singing. In 1959 she was engaged in the Prague cabaret Semafor , where she participated in most performances as an actress and singer until the early 1960s. With her songs she also became known in many radio and television competitions, sometimes in a duo with the singer Josef Zíma . In 1964 she moved to the Apollo Theater , and from 1969–1974 she appeared in the Rococo Theater . Later she got involved in the acting and theater group Divadelní společnost Josefa Dvořáka of the former Semafor employee Josef Dvořák .

Filipovská performed in the following performances at Semafor:

  • Člověk z půdy
  • Papírové blues
  • Vo co de
  • Sběratel stínů
  • Taková ztráta krve
  • Zuzana není per nikoho doma
  • Sparkling wine
  • Šest žen

Filmography (selection)

Filipovská's most important appearances in films and television productions are:

  • 1961: The procession to the Blessed Virgin (Procesí k Panence)
  • 1963: competition (bankruptcy)
  • 1964: Kdyby tisíc Klarinetů
  • 1967: Sedm žen Alfonse Karáska (TV movie)
  • 1967: Old Prague Melodies (Ta naše písnička česká)
  • 1969: The stupid adults are allowed to do anything (Dospěláci můžou všechno)


In her first play in Semafor, she sang the song Včera neděle byla (Yesterday was Sunday), which was released as a single in 1960 and became the best-selling record on the Supraphon label for many years (only in the first year after its release it was almost a quarter Million units sold, which was an enormous number for small Czechoslovakia). Her other successes during the time at Semafor included:

  • Barvy - Laky
  • Betty
  • Pozvání
  • Proč se lidi nemaj rádi
  • Captain, came s tou lodí
  • Purpura
  • Zpěv ptačí

In their repertoire there are several dozen pop songs, which were particularly noticeable hits in the 1960s.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Filipovská Pavlína , short biography of the online encyclopedia CoJeCo, online at: / ...
  2. a b c Filipovská, Pavlína , Semafor Theater website, online at: / ...
  3. Pavlína Filipovská, discography overview , online at: / ...

Web links